We have had some short bouts of warm weather. Enough to remind me that we are getting toward that time of year where lighter clothes come out of storage and where I have a desire to start eating lighter and more healthfully. I have already vowed to cut out unhealthy snacks and try to eat breakfast more regularly. I'm not giving up my weekend waffles though! Those must stay!
When I do want an effort-free snack or quick meal replacement I love homemade smoothies. In addition, I recently gave in and purchased a Vitamix blender (a major splurge) and now I will jump on any excuse to use it. I have two favorite smoothies: a frozen berry smoothie (raspberry is my favorite) and banana. The banana smoothie requires fresh bananas which I don't always have on hand, but you can buy frozen berries and keep them in the freezer all year long for a smoothie on demand!
Frozen berry smoothie1 cup frozen berries
(raspberries are my favorite)1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup plain yogurt
(optional)1 cup ice
1 scoop vanilla flavored protein powder
(you don't need this but adding a sugar-free whey protein powder will turn the smoothie into the perfect snack and keep you full for hours)Agave to sweeten, if desired
Blend all ingredients in blender until ice is completely crushed and drink is thick and well-blended. I like my smoothies fairly thick, but you can add additional milk or water to loosen if desired.
Banana smoothie1 ripe fresh banana
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup plain yogurt
(optional)1 cup ice
1 scoop vanilla-flavored protein powder
(see note above)Agave to sweeten, if desired
Blend all ingredients in blender until ice is completely crushed and drink is thick and well-blended.
note: I like my smoothies fairly thick, but you can add additional milk or water to loosen if desired.