Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hearty and healthy: farro salad

I have been loving whole grain salads lately. One new favorite is farro. It is nutty and has a wonderful, firm texture. Load it up with finely chopped vegetables, some cheese and a drizzle of olive oil and vinegar and it's a beautiful, perfect salad. The specific ingredients are up to you. Lately, I've added diced ricotta salata, some micro greens, scallions (thinly sliced diagonally). I've also been known to add fresh fava beans and / or avocado. I like to add olive oil, vinegar (red wine or balsamic), juice from 1/2 lemon, salt and pepper while the farro is still warm so that it is soaked up by the grains, and then the other ingredients when the farro is at room temperature so they retain their crunch). Serve for lunch or as a side for dinner.

On another note, I still have a few sets of folded greeting cards remaining from my print run earlier this summer. There are 5x5 egg and feather cards as well as 5x7 fruit cards. Both sets are blank on the inside and come in sets of 12 for $24. They are professionally printed on thick card stock. Please email me if interested!


Martha said... 1

Glad to see you back. This looks delicious, I want to try it right now! Your cards are beautiful too, btw.

larryb said... 2

Your recipe sounds & looks delicious - especially the fava beans. I saw your cards on my last visit to N Y & they are one of a kind. Thanks!

Matthew Klein said... 3

Great post. We discovered Farro at the farm-to-table restaurant Allium in Great Barrington, MA, the other night. Great flavor and texture. This is their supplier:

catchall fan in bk ny said... 4

Great post. will give it a try!

Anonymous said... 5

Yummo, to quote that food network cook. Can't wait. Going shopping now actually. And, I HAVE a set of each of the cards and I adore using them. Hard to part with them! Sudy

Laura said... 6

I just had farro for the first time a couple of weeks ago and am positively obsessed! It is so delicious, thanks for the beautiful recipe.

Kasha said... 7

Love, love, love your blog! Can I someday have a blog as pretty as this!? Thank you for inspiring me!

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